Episode 28: Loving unbelievers better during the Coronavirus

“And as we do, let’s remember the great cost to Christ. “We love because He first loved us.” We were the injured and dying man on that road, and Christ has proven to be our true Neighbor. He came to us when we were dying in our sin—when we were His enemies—and He had compassion […]

Episode 27: Loving Our Church Family Better

“Beloved, while present circumstances keep us from fully embracing one another, by God’s grace we get the amazing privilege of being involved in each other’s lives through things like Zoom, e-mails, phone calls, and texts. We get to still be involved in each other’s lives by dropping off food and groceries. But I hope these […]

Episode 26: Loving Your Family Well

“But the last grace of loving our family well is by putting into practice the forgiveness we’ve received from Christ by asking for forgiveness when we’ve sinned and forgiving others when they’ve sinned against you. We’re not going to be sinless and there may have already been some major blowups, but with Christ, there is […]

Episode 25: Fervent Prayer

“So I encourage you to pray – not with a bunch of these and thous, but just pour your emotions and angst and frustrations out before God. Not as a means of catharsis or to nurse your grief or wallow in your pain, but because this is how you genuinely feel, this is real. And […]

Episode 24: Fully Known

“God’s knowledge of you isn’t just cold, impersonal information. It’s a personal, intimate, wise, loving care and concern for his creation. That’s why David can pray “Search me and know me.” Family Worship Family Worship Devotional Download Open In Prayer Worship – My Life is an Offering – Give Me Jesus – Come Thou Fount […]

Episode 23: Contentment

“It’s taken a pandemic and all economy to come to a screeching halt for us to realize that the world turns not on our hands, but on his. Coronavirus makes us realize that even our daily bread is a gift from God that we don’t control. We don’t know when empty shelves will be restocked; […]

Episode 22: Hope for the Future

“So when the stay-at-home order begins to lift and you get to fill your calendar with events and get togethers. Be excited and savor those events, don’t take them for granted, but don’t stop there. Let your earthly joy propel your heart to the eternal joy that waits for us in heaven. The reason why […]

Episode 21: Hope During Change

“How much time are you spending on God’s Word each day? One encouragement would be to spend more time with the Lord, to think about His character and what He’s given us in Christ. Let’s hold fast to the gospel and not only preach it to ourselves, but truly meditate on what it means for […]

Episode 20: Fear Not

“A verse that I have clung to recently is Isaiah 55:9. It says, “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. This is something that has brought me great peace. God himself is speaking and is describing the contrast between […]

Episode 19: Hope in Christ Over the World

“The antidote to worldly hopes that competes and seeks to distract our hearts from Christ – is to focus on Him more. That our thoughts and minds would preeminently think about Christ. To reflect on who Christ is and who you are as recipients of His saving grace. To do this with greater intensity and […]