Glory in the Gospel – Part 2: Faithfulness (John 17:2-5)

The greater my faith in the faithfulness of Christ, the more faithful I will live. Key idea: Christ’s glory is revealed in his faithfulness through the Gospel. Practical Application: We must have great faith in Christ, for our good and his glory. I. Our faith “to know” – It is to have fellowship with Jesus, built on […]
The Gospel of John: Session 3 (Spring 2021)

Session 3 – Small Group Study Guide Download: Word | Download: PDF Word: How this truth should be understood In verse 3 Jesus prays “that they may know you…” Why is this significant and how does this speak about faith in Christ? See Gen 4:1; Phil 3:10-11. How does Jesus define knowing God? How does […]
Glory in the Gospel (John 17:1)

Glory – The manifestation of God’s holy goodness and greatness. Kevin DeYoung: “The glory of God refers to his splendor, his majesty, his beauty, his weightiness, his gravitas, his wow, his awesomeness, his unbelievable-ness. [Thus] To glorify God means to honor God. When you glorify someone, you celebrate them, you give them honor… [To use […]
The Gospel of John: Session 2 (Spring 2021)

Session 2 – Small Group Study Guide Download: Word | Download: PDF Word: How this truth should be understood Why are the phrases “When Jesus had spoken these words” and “the hour has come” important to understanding the context of this prayer? Jesus begins this prayer with “glory.” Glory is at the heart of this […]
Snapshots of Jesus: Attitude of a Humble Servant (John 13:1-17)

I. Jesus’ Intention: Christ’s Love Fuels His Humility (John 13:1-5) II. Disciples’ Dissention: People Don’t Want to be Humble (13:6-11) III. The Messiah’s Revelation and the Disciples’ Application: Humility in Service is Our Call (12-17)
The Gospel of John: Session 1 (Spring 2021)

Session 1 – Small Group Study Guide Download: Word | Download: PDF Word: How this truth should be understood According to vv. 7 and 8, what is the foundation of our love for others? What enables us to love? How does that foundation provide hope? How does the manifestation of God’s love through sending […]
A Light That Overcomes the Darkness (John 1:4-5)

Sermon Notes Download Key Idea: Christmas reminds us that because of Christ, the darkness does not win. I. The light of Christ brings victory over the darkness within us II. The light of Christ brings hope for the darkness around us A. The light of Christ confirms and affirms his faithfulness B. The light of […]
Peace in Tribulation (John 16:25-33)

Joy in Sorrow (John 16:16-24)

Key idea: We find a persevering and powerful joy when we see life in light of Christ and his gospel Four aspects of true joy to encourage our faith and increase our joy True joy recognizes the world’s counterfeits True joy is rooted in the Gospel True joy sees the bigger story Believe that suffering […]
Better With the Spirit (John 16:4b-15)

Key Idea: Three realities about the Holy Spirit for strength in gospel sharing and gospel life. Three realities about the Holy Spirit: I. The Comforting Presence of the Spirit (v.4b-7) Our Advantageous Position Our Advocate’s Permanence II. The Convicting Power of the Spirit (v.8-11) Convicts people of their unbelief in Jesus Convicts people of their […]