Hope for our Prayers (John 17:1-11)

Key Idea: We need to pray because we are children. We can pray because God is our Father.

1. We need to pray because we are children

Mark 10:15; Matthew 18:3; Luke 10:21

A. We are like children because we are needy
B. We are like children because we have a loving Father

2. We can pray because God is our Father

A. God is a Father who is powerful
B. God is a Father who is loving and faithful

Praying as children to our heavenly Father:

A. Because God is our Father, there is nothing in our life that doesn’t interest him, and he loves when we come to him.
B. Because God is our Father, we don’t have to get our act together before we approach him.
C. Because God is our Father, our prayers can be messy.
D. Because God is our Father, we can lament to him.
E. Because God is our Father, he is patient with failure and growth.
F. Because God is our Father, we know that he will always answer our prayers by giving us what is good. (Matthew 7:11)