Seek Wisdom! (Proverbs 2)

Seek wisdom and you will be wise, protected, and blessed.

If you search for wisdom… (2:1-4)

  1. God will make you wise (2:5-8)
  2. Wisdom will protect you (2:9-19)
  3. Wisdom will bless you (2:20-22)

Application Questions

  1. Where in your life do you need wisdom? Can you name any specific situations, relationships, questions, etc.?
  2. Where do you normally seek wisdom?
  3. Can you make a commitment to read the Scripture diligently this summer? For example, “Every day, I will read the Bible for __ minutes in (place) at (time).”
  4. Who is a wise person in your life who will be God’s instrument to help you be wise?
  5. How does wisdom lead us to Jesus Christ?