Affections of the Heart: Joy (James 1:2-4)

I. We Can Find Joy in Our Trials (1:2-3) II. We Can Find Joy When We Trust in Christ (1:2-3)Joy: “a settled contentment in every situation by trusting in God.” The greatest joy you can ever have is found in a relationship with God Himself. III. We Can Find Joy Knowing He Has a Purpose […]

Affections of the Heart: Anger (Jonah 4)

Key idea: In God’s eyes, is it right for you to be angry? I. Jonah’s Prayer: “Love me, God, but don’t love them!” (4:1-3) II. God’s Reply: “Is it right for you to be angry?” (4:4) III. Jonah’s Priority: “I loved that plant, but not those people.” (4:5-9) IV. God’s Pity: “Should not I pity Nineveh?” […]

Youth Retreat Testimonies

I hope God uses the retreat as a constant reminder of his love and his grace so that I can know him more, so that I can know my brothers and sisters in Christ more, and also for those that are so lost without Christ, I hope that I have the motivation and boldness to […]

Ordo Salutis 3 – Justification (Romans 3.23-25)

What does a regenerate heart do upon conversion?•    Faith – turning to Christ and trusting that he is able to save you•    Repentance – turning away from your sin What is justification?Justification is when God instantly and forever forgives our sins, imputes to us Christ’s righteousness, and declares us to be righteous. Rom. 3:23 for all have […]