Episode 39: Letting Truth be our Atmosphere

“For all of us it will likely look a little different, but can I encourage you to make truth part of your atmosphere; I really believe that if you do you are pursuing Christ in a way that will bring transformation to your soul” Family Worship Family Worship Devotional Download Open in Prayer Worship • […]

Growing Hearts for Prayer

At the end of January, the Lighthouse staff had the privilege of attending a prayer seminar, “A Praying Life,” hosted by Paul Miller’s organization, SeeJesus. Jon Hori, a dear friend of many of our own staff, graciously sacrificed a few days to facilitate, lead, and teach the seminar for us. Though there’s so much to […]

Episode 38: Michael Jordan, Hurricanes, and Hard Candy

“God’s sovereignty means that he can coordinate and orchestrate every event in my life, every interaction, every decision as well as the butterfly effect of every other’s persons actions on this planet and every natural event, every molecule past, present and future, for my eternal good. While doing the exact same thing for every other […]

Episode 37: Prayer Walking

“Walking and praying obviously isn’t the only way of drawing near to God, nor is it a secret technique, but it was something that had helped me cultivate an awareness of God’s presence during this season. As much as I hope to see some of you on the streets, may we all draw even nearer […]

Recommended Resources: May 25, 2020

Book Recommendation from a Pastor A Bright Tomorrow: Facing the Future without Fear by Jared Mellinger Recommendation by Pastor Eufemio Magsombol Jr. Jared Mellinger, author of “A Bright Tomorrow,” puts it well: “The future of every Christian is incredibly bright… Our future is more glorious than we know.” The problem is that we often fail […]

Seeking God’s Will in Uncertainty

Hello! I’m Becca! I just graduated (last week!) from USC, and I’ve been attending Lighthouse for the past 4 years. I wanted to share how God has been humbling and teaching me in this particular COVID season through a big decision I had to make a few weeks ago. I hope it is a comforting […]

Episode 36: Speaking to Our Troubled Hearts

“The gospel offers us hope in a God who was not willing to spare His own Son, but instead gave him up freely in order to save us. Jesus Christ, our lord and Savior was forsaken on the cross so that we might not be forsaken because of our sin and rebellion against God. This […]

Episode 35: Meditating on the Works of God

“To meditate is to draw out the significance of the things that we remember. What does God’s salvation mean for me today? If this is true of who God is, then how should that shape the way that I think about where I’m at right now? May we be people who are confidently and freshly […]

Recommended Resources: May 18, 2020

Book Recommendation from a Pastor “Gentle and Lowly: The Heart of Christ for Sinners and Sufferers” by Dane Ortlund Recommendation by Pastor Francis Chow It was the book’s subtitle and its language of “sinners” and “sufferers” that first caught my attention for how this might be a helpful and relevant resources, especially for ministry at Lighthouse. […]

Episode 34: Walking with the Wise

Proverbs 13:20 “Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, But the companion of fools will suffer harm.” “We all walk with others. In this verse, walking is a metaphor for living life. We walk with others as we interact with people through conversation, emails, texts, what we read and who we listen to. We walk […]