The Blessing of Love (Galatians 3:27-4:7)

Key Idea: Because of the gospel, loving others is not the burden of a slave but the blessing of a son. Two ways the gospel allows loving others to be a blessing:
Gospel Friendship – Colossians 4:7-18

Living Wisely: Love and Wisdom – Matthew 22:34-40

Episode 54: Loving Your Wife

“We love because He first loved us. And one of the ways that we can imitate Christ’s love is to love first, to initiate, to be the one to make the first move and take the first step in moving towards our wives. What might that look like in your life? I’d encourage you to […]
Episode 53: Loving the Difficult (Pt. 2)

“Above all, love, because, above all, Christ does this for us. He continues to love and pursue us when we are difficult and stubborn. He covers a multitude of our sins, forgiving us and absorbing our punishment that we might be in fellowship with Him, and fellowship with one another, no matter how difficult we […]
Episode 51: Loving the Difficult

“When you’re saved, you’re not just getting a perfect Father in heaven who is loving you perfectly and endlessly, you are getting thousands of imperfect siblings on earth, and nobody will treat you just the way you would like. But that is part of God’s perfect design to help us display his love, and better […]
Episode 50: Loving our Parents

“Outside of your relationship with God, your relationship with your parents is the foundational relationship that shapes all other relationships. Our relationships with our parents is where we first learn to live with other people. So it isn’t too farfetched to say that loving your neighbor actually first begins with loving, trusting, listening, and honoring […]
Episode 28: Loving unbelievers better during the Coronavirus

“And as we do, let’s remember the great cost to Christ. “We love because He first loved us.” We were the injured and dying man on that road, and Christ has proven to be our true Neighbor. He came to us when we were dying in our sin—when we were His enemies—and He had compassion […]
Episode 27: Loving Our Church Family Better

“Beloved, while present circumstances keep us from fully embracing one another, by God’s grace we get the amazing privilege of being involved in each other’s lives through things like Zoom, e-mails, phone calls, and texts. We get to still be involved in each other’s lives by dropping off food and groceries. But I hope these […]
Episode 15: Preparing for Maundy Thursday

“In today’s Truths for Troubled Times, Pastor Kim will help us prepare for Maundy Thursday by looking at the story of Jesus’ washing the disciples’ feet on night before his crucifixion. Stick around to the the end to see an example of how you can use this story to lead a special time of family […]