It’s Not Your Money (Ecclesiastes 5-6)

Key Idea: The key to contentment is faithful stewardship
Christmas Eve Service 2023

Baptism Sunday
We Are a United Family (Ephesians 2:11-22; 4:1-6)

Download Sermon Notes Key Idea: Our Christ-centered identity will always lead to our steadfast unity. 1. Remember Our Christ-Centered Identity (Eph. 2:11-22) Remember Our Sinful Identity (vv. 11-12) Remember Our Saved Identity (vv. 13-17) Remember Our Sibling Identity (vv. 18-22) Lighthouse is united in: Authority Belief Worship Commitment Community 2. Demonstrate our Steadfast Unity (Eph. 4:1-6) […]
Episode 70: Overcoming Anxiety

“The next time you start to feel anxious, you start to feel your heart racing, stop and pray with thanksgiving. Ask God for his peace and imagine that He’s guarding your heart and mind for what makes you anxious as you trust Him who is far greater than whatever problem you’re facing.” Family Worship Family […]
Episode 60: Give Thanks

“Steadfast love comes from the Hebrew word “hessed” (hay-said) which comes from the idea of being faithful to a covenant, such as marriage vows. God is faithful to his promises. Do you believe that right now? Are you living as if you believe it? I know these are difficult times and I admit that I […]
Episode 45: What is the Church? An Evangelizing Community

“What is the church? One answer is that the church is an evangelizing community. We are a community who speaks the gospel and sends gospel preachers. How are you currently participating in two ways of being involved in evangelism? Let me encourage you to consider how you can glorify God in these ways.” Family Worship […]
Praying in a Pandemic (Psalm 23)

Episode 34: Walking with the Wise

Proverbs 13:20 “Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, But the companion of fools will suffer harm.” “We all walk with others. In this verse, walking is a metaphor for living life. We walk with others as we interact with people through conversation, emails, texts, what we read and who we listen to. We walk […]
Episode 16: Worshiping Christ on the Way to Easter

“I believe that one good thing that is coming out of the COVID-19 crisis is that people are reconsidering what is truly important in life and this includes questions about God and what happens after we die. How can you be faithful in sharing Christ? What about generously helping families who are struggling financially? If […]