Sunday Fuel: April 9, 2023

Welcome to Sunday Fuel! This series of questions is designed to assist your personal reflection and fellowship with others about the sermon from this past Sunday. Look forward to receiving this resource every Tuesday in the Lighthouse Weekly! Click on the image above to view our Sunday Fuel.

Sunday Fuel: March 21, 2023

Welcome to Sunday Fuel! This series of questions is designed to assist your personal reflection and fellowship with others about the sermon from this past Sunday. For Sunday Fuel this week, we’ve provided some of our frequently used marriage counseling worksheets. We pray that these marriage enrichment projects will build on the good work God […]

Sunday Fuel: February 26, 2023

Welcome to Sunday Fuel. This series of questions is designed to assist your personal reflection and fellowship with others about the sermon from this past Sunday. Meditate carefully on 1Pet 2:24-25. These verses are a presentation of the gospel. As pastor David said, “we can get overly familiar with it and begin to tune it […]

Sunday Fuel: February 5, 2023

Welcome to Sunday Fuel. This series of questions is designed to assist your personal reflection and fellowship with others about the sermon from this past Sunday. How should we think of work as Christians? How do we guard our hearts from living fragmented lives and see all of life (including work) as an offering to […]

Sunday Fuel: January 29, 2023

Welcome to Sunday Fuel. This series of questions is designed to assist your personal reflection and fellowship with others about the sermon from this past Sunday. Pastor Kim mentioned these wrong responses to an unbelieving world: isolation, assimilation, sinful confrontation, and trepidation. As you consider your life, which one does your heart tend to struggle […]

Sunday Fuel: January 22, 2023

Welcome to Sunday Fuel. This series of questions is designed to assist your personal reflection and fellowship with others about the sermon from this past Sunday. As you reflect on the sermon, before jumping into all you will do, look to God’s faithfulness to use his Word in your life in the past. How have […]

New Song: Look to Jesus

At the Pathways of Grace conference this past weekend, we sang a new song called “Look to Jesus.” On your hardest days, what is it that you need the most? When bad news comes, when your chronic pain doesn’t go away, when your kids are kicking and screaming on the ground again, when broken relationships sting, […]

Practical Tips for Growing a Love for Scripture

This post is a companion to the sermon ‘Why Must We Love the Word of God?’ on Psalm 19, preached on August 14, 2022. Here are seven practical things you can try to do in order to increase your love of Scripture. Remember, the point is to treasure, meditate, love the Word of God, because […]

Meet Our Staff: Viet Truong

Please meet Viet! He’s a new addition to Lighthouse’s staff and he’ll be serving as a pastoral intern in Kairos, our high school ministry. Learn a little bit about him through these questions and answers, then give him a warm welcome! Tell us a little bit about yourself! Hi Lighthouse family! My name is Viet. […]

Meet Our Staff: Isaac Gagarinas

Please meet Isaac! He’s a new addition to Lighthouse’s staff and he’ll be serving as a pastoral intern in Kairos, our high school ministry. Learn a little bit about him through these questions and answers, then give him a warm welcome! Tell us a little bit about yourself! Hi everyone! My name is Isaac Gagarinas […]