Sunday Fuel: July 30, 2023

Welcome to Sunday Fuel! This series of questions is designed to assist your personal reflection and fellowship with others about the sermon from this past Sunday.

Go to This Sunday’s Sermon

  1. What twists and turns in your own story came to mind during the sermon?
  2. Pastor Wayne said, “Where do you go for help and hope when you feel stuck?” How would you answer this? What are some of the false refuges you sought help from in the past?
  3. In Psalm 25, David shows his desperate dependance by pleading for God to make known the way and to provide the strength to walk in it. How often do you live this way before God? Who models this desperate dependence on God in your life and who do you model it too?
  4. Pastor Wayne said, “All Satan needs us to do is to take our eyes off of God for a moment and depend on ourselves.” When are you most tempted to depend on yourself more than God? What accountability and checks do you have in place to guard your heart from turning away from God and depending on yourself?
  5. What kinds of ladders are you tempted to climb that pursue a worldly view of success? How can you approach these areas of stewardship with dependence on God and pursue His glory (e.g. academics, sports, music, etc.)?
  6. Write a mission statement for parenting, what is your overarching vision for parenting? How is it shaped by dependence on God?
  7. Consider Deuteronomy 6:1-5, how does the truth about God fill the atmosphere of your home? What are some practical ways you can make your home a pathway of grace?
  8. Pastor Wayne said, “There is never a ‘Game Over’ with God because of what Christ has done. God is always there to redeem and restore.” How does this promise provide hope?