Episode 21: Hope During Change

“How much time are you spending on God’s Word each day? One encouragement would be to spend more time with the Lord, to think about His character and what He’s given us in Christ. Let’s hold fast to the gospel and not only preach it to ourselves, but truly meditate on what it means for […]
Episode 20: Fear Not

“A verse that I have clung to recently is Isaiah 55:9. It says, “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. This is something that has brought me great peace. God himself is speaking and is describing the contrast between […]
Reflections on “Doing Fine” During COVID-19

Lighthouse’s last normal youth group was just over a month ago. By that time, COVID-19 had been in the headlines for a couple months, but increasingly so as the number of U.S. cases rose. There were slight concerns of things getting worse, but a global pandemic seemed more like a distant dystopia than a pending […]
Episode 19: Hope in Christ Over the World

“The antidote to worldly hopes that competes and seeks to distract our hearts from Christ – is to focus on Him more. That our thoughts and minds would preeminently think about Christ. To reflect on who Christ is and who you are as recipients of His saving grace. To do this with greater intensity and […]
Recommended Resources: April 13, 2020

Book Recommendation from a Pastor “A Praying Life” by Paul Miller Recommendation by Pastor Wayne COVID-19 has been a wake-up call to the world that we are not at all in control of our lives. With each passing day, we are left wondering when and how life will return to “normal” and when this pandemic […]
Episode 18: Good Friday

“Think about this for us today—if Jesus was able to provide for the needs of his family in a moment of weakness, then how much more is he able to provide for us, his family, from where he is now—glorified and seated at the right hand of God?” Family Worship Family Worship Devotional Download Suggested […]
Episode 17: Passion Week: Maundy Thursday

“Knowing that God is with us in the dark should encourage us to hold onto Him even more tightly because in the dark we are certain that He is our one good thing. So in the midst of your struggles how are you leaning on God? Are you praying all the more? Are you praying […]
Episode 16: Worshiping Christ on the Way to Easter

“I believe that one good thing that is coming out of the COVID-19 crisis is that people are reconsidering what is truly important in life and this includes questions about God and what happens after we die. How can you be faithful in sharing Christ? What about generously helping families who are struggling financially? If […]
Episode 15: Preparing for Maundy Thursday

“In today’s Truths for Troubled Times, Pastor Kim will help us prepare for Maundy Thursday by looking at the story of Jesus’ washing the disciples’ feet on night before his crucifixion. Stick around to the the end to see an example of how you can use this story to lead a special time of family […]
Recommended Resources: April 6, 2020

Book Recommendation from a Pastor “A Small Book for the Anxious Heart” by Ed Welch Recommendation by Pastor Gavin Kajikawa Yesterday you heard Pastor Kim preach on how Jesus changes our anxious and worrying hearts, so I’d like to recommend Ed Welch’s book, “A Small Book for the Anxious Heart.” This topic is something I […]