Episode 69: Knowing, Trusting, & Loving Christ Our Shepherd

“When we feel lacking in our love and affections for Christ, we need to meditate on His sacrificial love for us that ultimately cost Him His life. When we feel lacking in our desire to be with Christ, we must reflect on His continual pursuit of us and our hearts and His desire to fellowship […]

Recommended Resources: September 28, 2020

Book Recommendation from a Pastor Before You Open Your Bible by Matt Smethurst Recommendation by Pastor Francis Chow How would you describe the relationship between your life and the Bible? Even though we are constantly exhorted and reminded about the critical role of Scripture in our Christian lives, I’m guessing that, like me, it’s still […]

Elder Intern-views: Family Life

Hi Lighthouse Church Family! Join us for these next five weeks as our interns interview our elders on topics such as family life, life at home during a pandemic, ministry, church, and serving. We hope that these videos are an encouragement to you as you learn more about our elders and interns, even in a season […]

Recommended Resources: September 21, 2020

Articles Denying Yourself Is Loving Yourself We might be tempted to believe that denying ourselves is the opposite of loving ourselves. Yet the Bible often flips our assumptions on their head and shows us a surprising but better way. How Shall I Love My Neighbor? By Keeping the Law! To return to a similar point […]

Looking to Jesus

Yo Lighthouse! For those of you who don’t know me – I’m Megan! And yes, I already wrote a Stories of Grace (or “sog”, as the office staff affectionately calls these) and yes, you can write one too! In fact, please consider writing a sog and email Nicole if you’re interested ha ha ha ha […]

Episode 68: Doing the Same Things

“The command to “remember” is a frequent one with God’s character or promises or works, and it’s not just talking about intellectually recalling information, but this active bringing to mind and applying its significance. For example, we “remember” by preaching the gospel to ourselves.” Family Worship Family Worship Devotional Download Worship: O Great God Jesus, […]

Recommended Resources: September 14, 2020

Book Recommendation from a Pastor Father, Son, and Holy Spirit: Relationships, Roles, and Relevance by Bruce Ware Book Recommendation by Pastor David Lee My mind enters a haze when I think about how many pages I read during my years in seminary. Tens of thousands, most likely, with hundreds of hours burrowing in the bowels […]

Keeping Up with Children’s Ministry

Hi Lighthouse Church Family! We miss you and we want to keep in touch! “Checking in with the Church Family” is our series to help us stay connected, provide encouragement, and remind us all of how God has been good and faithful to Lighthouse during this unique season. Stay tuned for updates from different ministries, […]

Seeing Grace in Schooling at Home

Hi Lighthouse church family! My name is Juni Song and I have the joy of sharing with you a particular way God has been showing me His grace during this season. I am a stay-at home mother of three sweet young ladies. Ellie is in 10th grade, Katie in 7th and Lucy is in 2nd […]

Recommended Resources: September 7, 2020

Book Recommendation from a Pastor Charity and Its Fruits by Jonathan Edwards Recommendation by Pastor Eric Cai I have been reading Jonathan Edwards’ Charity and Its Fruits as sermon preparation for our high school series in 1 Corinthians 13 (I recommend the edition published by Crossway, because it does help its readers out with some […]