God’s Grace in Giving Us Siblings

Hi Lighthouse Family! This is Allie, Mikey, and Lauren Tsai. If you do not already know our family, we also have another younger brother named Jonah. But he is off playing Legos and eating chips right now. 🙂 When quarantine first began, we were left with a lot of free time. Suddenly, we weren’t racing around getting to school, or church, or our other activities. At first, we felt sorry for ourselves as we began to realize that it was going to be a while […]

Episode 79: New Every Morning

“As we look at the day ahead and this new year ahead of us, church family, let’s humbly trust in the Lord and put our hope in God’s love and faithfulness. Let’s not trust in ourselves or this world, but let’s fix our eyes on Him and counsel our hearts to know that He is […]

Recommended Resources: January 4, 2021

Book Recommendation from a Pastor “Marriage Matters: Extraordinary Change Through Ordinary Moments,” by Winston Smith Recommendation by Pastor Wayne “Marriage Matters: Extraordinary Change Through Ordinary Moments,” by Winston Smith is an amazing resource that connects theology with everyday life. Filled with pastoral insights, personal illustrations, and practical advice, this book details how the gospel can […]

Recommended Resources: December 21, 2020

Articles Have Yourself A Subversive Little Christmas Light wins. Even amidst the darkness, we can take heart knowing the end is already certain. And this we do well to keep in mind when we consider the Christmas story and how God’s plan of salvation comes through a baby born in a manger. When My Sister […]

Episode 78: From Stealing to Sharing

“In light of Christmas, we have a shining model to imitate. Jesus Christ did not rest idle on His heavenly throne. He came down. He would do the honest and hard work of redeeming the lost, spending Himself that He might have something to share, salvation. And so we labor, not to earn His favor, […]

Recommended Resources: December 14, 2020

Book Recommendation from a Pastor “Searching for Christmas” by JD Greear Recommendation by Pastor Kim Lighthouse, a book I want to recommend this year is JD Greear’s “Searching for Christmas.” It is a very short, but encouraging book looking at the true meaning of Christmas. We will be giving it away to those who visit […]

Caring for One Another: Reflections on the Study

Hi Lighthouse Church Family! For the Fall 2020 small group season, our small groups have been reading “Caring for One Another” by Ed Welch. Each week, we discuss different ways we can practically care for one another! In light of circumstances that are keeping us physically apart, we want to share various ways that we’re creatively caring for each […]

Say Grace Sticker Project

Hi Church Family! My name is Peter Chen, and my wife Jenn and son Garret have been attending Lighthouse for the last ten years. I also serve as the deacon overseeing Mercy Ministry. Shortly after the pandemic hit in March, my workload dropped off quite a bit as a graphic designer. This was not so […]

Episode 77: Five Songs to Add to Your Advent Playlist

“Advent/Christmas music is interesting because you have these really beloved, some theologically rich songs that we sing every year and it’s cool whenever you get a fresh arrangement of these songs that comes out.”

Recommended Resources: December 7, 2020

Book Recommendation from a Pastor “A Book of Comfort for Those in Sickness” by P.B. Power Recommendation by Pastor Eufemio P.B. Power’s, “A Book of Comfort for Those in Sickness,” begins with the question: “Is God a God of comfort at all?” Some of us who are dealing with illnesses, loved ones who are ill, […]