Wisdom’s Invitation (Matthew 11:25-30)

Key Idea: Pursue wisdom by pursuing Christ. Wisdom: Faithful living informed by biblical thinking. We must pursue Christ for wisdom because: Only Jesus Knows and Reveals God Most Truly Jesus Shows Us the Way to the Good Life

Wisdom and Words (Selected Proverbs)

Key Idea: Wisdom with our words should be reflected not only in what we talk about, but how we communicate Christ in all things Three areas to consider for how to wisely handle our words: 1. Be Mindful of Your Content (Prov 10:11, 26:20, 16:28, 10:21)         a. Refuse to Gossip         b. Refashion with Grace 2. […]

Episode 59: Redeem the Time with Diligence

“When we love Christ and have faith in Him, we gladly work diligently as our spiritual worship to Him. We acknowledge and affirm that Christ diligently obeyed the will of His father and went through much sacrifice and labor to die on the cross and that we too have been crucified with Christ and it […]

Episode 57: Fools Rush In

“In the face of racial and social unrest, have you taken the time to consider your response and your own stance? Have you carefully listened to other’s experiences and considerations? As you apply to college or grad school or a job are you slowing down to consider what God’s Word has to say in your […]

Episode 34: Walking with the Wise

Proverbs 13:20 “Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, But the companion of fools will suffer harm.” “We all walk with others. In this verse, walking is a metaphor for living life. We walk with others as we interact with people through conversation, emails, texts, what we read and who we listen to. We walk […]

Episode 32: Get Wisdom

“Instead of looking inside of ourselves or looking to this world, we gain wisdom by going to the Source of all wisdom, our Creator God who made this whole universe… In this season of uncertainty and even despair, let’s desire and seek out God’s wisdom as it will lead to hope to life and ultimate […]