Fruit, Faith, and the Gospel: Peace

Key idea: Peace is found not in our circumstances but is a confidence and rest in God and his goodness. Three ways to invite God’s presence, grow our faith, and cultivate peace:
Episode 71: Know Peace

“Lives that are focused on God know peace. In our prayer, it’s so easy to ask for things, to ask for help, and we should. But when we are thankful, we are reminded not of of ourselves, but our great God who can bring us peace. That when a watching world sees this peace that […]
Episode 64: Hear our Feathered Teachers

“If you would take a moment. Think about what you believe about God. Do you know Him, and do you know what He provides for you? Think beyond food and clothing and material things. Consider how He has taken care of the most important things. He has secured our salvation, and eternal life and joy […]
Bona Fide Peace (John 14:25-31)
Key idea: We can experience peace in times of trouble through faith in the sovereign God who is our help and salvation 1. We have the Holy Spirit who is our Support 2. We have the Father who is Supreme 3. We have the Son who is our Savior
Calling and Comfort (John 14:15-24)
1. Live for Christ by living with Christ – The first Helper/Advocate/Counselor is Christ – The second Helper/Advocate/Counselor is the Holy Spirit – The role of the Holy Spirit (from Dr. Bruce Ware in Father, Son, & Holy Spirit): – The Spirit Assists in Carrying out the Work of the Father – Spirit works to […]
Is it Worth it to Follow Jesus? (John 4:1-26)

Key Theological Idea: Jesus is the Messiah, who offers the living water of eternal life. Key Practical Idea: The peace we seek in this world can only truly be found in Christ. I. The peace you seek is more spiritual than circumstantial II. The peace you seek can only fully and finally be found in […]
Surpassing Peace (Philippians 4:2-9)

The Peace of God in Our Relationships (vv. 2-3) We shouldn’t be surprised by the presence of conflict with one another. Move towards others humbly and helpfully. Aim for gospel affection. The Peace of God in Our Circumstances (vv. 4-7) How we relate to others How we relate to God The God of Peace in […]
The Cruciform Family (1 Corinthians 1:10-17)

Key idea: Divisions happen when the family of God loses sight of their relationship, their Messiah, and their mission. 1. Divisions happen when the family of God loses sight of their relationship (v. 10). 2. Divisions happen when the family of God loses sight of their Messiah (vv. 11-16). 3. Divisions happen when the family […]
One New Humanity (Ephesians 2:14-18)

A Christmas Peace (Part 2): Finding Our Rest in Christ (Philippians 4:4-9)
True peace only comes through Christ and his Gospel.