Episode 69: Knowing, Trusting, & Loving Christ Our Shepherd

“When we feel lacking in our love and affections for Christ, we need to meditate on His sacrificial love for us that ultimately cost Him His life. When we feel lacking in our desire to be with Christ, we must reflect on His continual pursuit of us and our hearts and His desire to fellowship […]
Episode 42: Messy, Watchful, and Humble Prayers

“God is always doing something. It may not be what we want or what we expect, but that doesn’t mean that God isn’t working… Our goal as we pray is to be watchful, to develop an eye for Jesus, and to look not just at what God is doing outside of us but even what […]
Episode 32: Get Wisdom

“Instead of looking inside of ourselves or looking to this world, we gain wisdom by going to the Source of all wisdom, our Creator God who made this whole universe… In this season of uncertainty and even despair, let’s desire and seek out God’s wisdom as it will lead to hope to life and ultimate […]
Episode 13: Loving Our Kids In This Coronavirus Season

“A gospel-centered home is not one where everyone’s trying to be perfect or act as if they have it all together. Instead, a gospel-centered home is one where everyone is constantly reconciling everyday through the power of the gospel.” Family Worship Family Worship Devotional Download Worship Songs – Lord, I Need You – O Lord, […]
What is Our Response to Christ? (John 11:45-57)

Theme of John: To awaken and advance faith by revealing and raising up Christ Is your heart hard or humble towards Christ? Is Jesus a threat to your kingdom or the ruler of your kingdom? Will you trust in your perspective or in God’s perspective of your life?
Marriage and Conflict Q&A

Seeing as Jesus Sees (Mark 10:13-16)

Identifying Three Dangerous Underlying Values in Parenting

Focused on Christ (John 1:19-34)

Understanding Who We Are Not (“I am not the Christ”) Understanding Who We Are (“I am a voice… I am not worthy”) Understanding Who Jesus Is (“the Lamb of God”)