Episode 42: Messy, Watchful, and Humble Prayers

“God is always doing something. It may not be what we want or what we expect, but that doesn’t mean that God isn’t working… Our goal as we pray is to be watchful, to develop an eye for Jesus, and to look not just at what God is doing outside of us but even what He is doing inside of us… God is always weaving His story, and when we’re watchful in prayer we remind ourselves that ultimately this world does not revolve around us or anyone else but around God and His purposes.”

Family Worship

Family Worship Devotional Download

Worship Songs:
– Show Us Christ
– He Will Hold Me Fast
– By Faith (Gettys)

Share about a missions trip or a vacation where you had certain plans but what actually happened was much different!

Key Passages:
Matthew 11:28
Acts 16:6-10

Key Points:
1 – Be Messy Because God Wants the Mess
2 – Be Watchful Because God Is Always Working
3 – Be Humble Because God Is Holy and Gracious

Discussion Questions:
Q1: How do you usually approach God in prayer? What emotions and feelings do you experience when you pray?
Q2: Do you have an example of how God answered your prayer but not in the way that you imagined?
Q3: How can you be more aware of the story that God is writing in your life and what God is doing outside of you and inside of you?
Q4: How can you grow in recognizing that you need Jesus more not less as you grow in Christian maturity?
Q5: What is one way that God is loving you through this time of unrest and uncertainty?

Reflect upon what it means to grow in your prayer life and take time to pray for your prayer life.