We Are a United Family (Ephesians 2:11-22; 4:1-6)

Download Sermon Notes Key Idea: Our Christ-centered identity will always lead to our steadfast unity. 1. Remember Our Christ-Centered Identity (Eph. 2:11-22) Remember Our Sinful Identity (vv. 11-12) Remember Our Saved Identity (vv. 13-17) Remember Our Sibling Identity (vv. 18-22) Lighthouse is united in: Authority Belief Worship Commitment Community 2. Demonstrate our Steadfast Unity (Eph. 4:1-6) […]

Episode 72: Wise and Gentle Dialogue

Let’s be humble enough to recognize our own biases. The other side can also be well-thought-out; we may have something to learn from them. Read and study those who you disagree with. Let’s find ways to have constructive and instructive dialogue rather than debates where the loudest win.”   Family Worship Family Worship Devotional Download […]

Episode 57: Fools Rush In

“In the face of racial and social unrest, have you taken the time to consider your response and your own stance? Have you carefully listened to other’s experiences and considerations? As you apply to college or grad school or a job are you slowing down to consider what God’s Word has to say in your […]

Episode 38: Michael Jordan, Hurricanes, and Hard Candy

“God’s sovereignty means that he can coordinate and orchestrate every event in my life, every interaction, every decision as well as the butterfly effect of every other’s persons actions on this planet and every natural event, every molecule past, present and future, for my eternal good. While doing the exact same thing for every other […]

Episode 25: Fervent Prayer

“So I encourage you to pray – not with a bunch of these and thous, but just pour your emotions and angst and frustrations out before God. Not as a means of catharsis or to nurse your grief or wallow in your pain, but because this is how you genuinely feel, this is real. And […]

Episode 14: Shepherding our Children in Troubled Times

“How are we as parents to love the fainthearted? We need to encourage them. They also need truth but this truth is applied in a different manner and looked at in a different perspective. Rather than correction we look to comfort and point our children to a loving father who is truly in control of […]

Three Wrongs and a Right (John 7:1-13)

God’s ways won’t always make sense. God calls us to live differently. God’s ways are better. Lordship means we live by God’s way, God’s timing, and God’s sovereignty.  Lordship means we live in humility, trust, and obedience.