Jesus Changes the New Normal (1 Peter 1:13-21)

The Response of Suffering Sojourners (1 Peter 1:13-21)

A Thrill of Hope (Matthew 1:1-17)

Key Idea: Three ways the Christmas story provides real hope Hope for outsiders cultural outsiders social outsiders Hope for sinners Hope for sufferers The faithfulness of God’s plan The fullness of God’s plan
Marriage and Conflict Q&A

Learning from the Master: Lessons from Jesus on Faithful Evangelism (John 8:21-30)

Three fundamental components of faithful evangelism Faithful evangelism identifies the real problem Faithful evangelism identifies the real solution Jesus’ death Jesus’ resurrection Faithful evangelism asks for a real response
Better Than Expected (John 6:1-15)

Two ways Jesus is better than we expected 1. Jesus is a better provider a. He provides when we are helpless b. He provides with supernatural power c. He provides with overwhelming abundance d. He provides what we really need 2. Jesus is a better king
Disability and Church

A Holy Stewardship (Matthew 25:14-30) (Session 4)

1) Know your ________________________________ 2) Anticipate the _____________________________ 3) Long for the ______________________________
A Holy Transformation (Romans 6:11-14) (Session 3)

1) Recognize your ____________________ in Christ 2) Resist the ___________________________ of sin 3) Rest in ___________________________________
The Church (Part 2): A Singing Community
Two reasons why Lighthouse should be a singing community: 1. Sing! Because God commands you to! Why singing? Singing allows for a fuller expression of our worship Singing helps us remember God’s Word How then shall we sing? Sing corporately Sing joyfully Sing loudly Sing humbly Sing thankfully 2. Sing! Because God has revealed himself […]