God’s Unstoppable Church (2 Kings 6:8-23)

Key Idea: Our privileged mission as Christians is to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ with others locally and globally. Remember God’s Presence Remember God’s Grace Toshi Saito – sharing about Nagoya church plant Pastor Eufemio – sharing about local evangelism ministries

The Light of Life (John 8:12-20)

Key Idea: As the light of the world, Jesus offers real life, exposes real unbelief, and is the real God. Jesus offers real life Jesus exposes real unbelief Jesus is the real God

Unashamed (John 7:53-8:11 & Luke 7:36-50)

Key Idea: We as God’s children can live unashamed because Christ took our sin and shame. Category #1: Shame because we are sinners. Category #2: Shame because we are sufferers. Category #3: We’re unashamed because we are saints.

Come and Drink (John 7:37-52)

Key Idea: Faith in Christ is about understanding your desperate need and what He abundantly provides. What Christ Abundantly Provides (vv. 37-44) Your Desperate Need (vv. 45-52) – The Holy Spirit is working even when you don’t feel like it. – The Holy Spirit so richly provides for us that we can be conduits of […]

Disciples First (2 Timothy 1:1-7)

Main Idea: A portrait of God glorifying discipleship I. We are recipients of a Godly sphere of influence II. We are deliverers of a Godly love III. We are encouragers to a Godly call

Can This Be The Christ? (John 7:25-36)

Key Idea: We must resolve to know Christ deeper so that He is necessary for life. Three questions to frame our study and why this text matters to us: What are your assumptions about Jesus? What does Jesus reveal about Himself? Why does all of this ultimately matter?

Judging Jesus (John 7:14-24)

Key Idea: We must not judge Jesus by appearances but with right judgment. If we are to judge Jesus rightly, we must humbly: Seek the will of God Recognize our self-righteousness

Holding Fast Together (Hebrews 10:19-25)

Key Idea: Sunday service shapes us to be people who look up, look in, and look out. Look up Looking up means…. – All parts of our Sunday service is worship – All parts of our Sunday service requires our active participation – All parts of our Sunday service reveal our desperation for God Look […]

Three Wrongs and a Right (John 7:1-13)

God’s ways won’t always make sense. God calls us to live differently. God’s ways are better. Lordship means we live by God’s way, God’s timing, and God’s sovereignty.  Lordship means we live in humility, trust, and obedience.