What is Our Response to Christ? (John 11:45-57)

Theme of John: To awaken and advance faith by revealing and raising up Christ Is your heart hard or humble towards Christ? Is Jesus a threat to your kingdom or the ruler of your kingdom? Will you trust in your perspective or in God’s perspective of your life?
A Love That Waits (John 11:1-44) Part 2

1. We should believe in Christ because of his POWER 2. We should believe in Christ because of his LOVE Key Idea: We should trust Christ because his love is a rescuing love Three truths about Christ’s love to encourage our faith: A. Christ’s love in our suffering is seen in what he hates B. […]
The Resurrection Rewrites our Story (John 11:1-44)

1.We should believe in Christ because of his POWER Key Idea: The purpose is to grow our faith by seeing the glory of Christ, as manifest in the power of resurrection. Practical truth: Trust Christ because he is powerful A. Belief is more than faith in ideas; it is faith in a Person Practical Application: […]
Growing Through Knowing (John 10:22-42)

We often have trouble having faith in Jesus because we barely know the Jesus we are supposed to have faith in. Key Idea – We must believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. Key Practical Idea – We grow our faith through knowing Jesus, the object of our faith I. He has […]
The Gospel and Spiritual Disciplines (John 15:1-8)

The Lord is My Shepherd (John 10:1-21)

Key Idea: Following the Good Shepherd in faith is to know the abundant life. I. Following… II. …the Good Shepherd in faith… The Good Shepherd knows his sheep The Good Shepherd sacrifices for his sheep III. …is to know the abundant life. 1. It makes boundaries beautiful 2. It shows following means freedom
Responding Rightly to Christ in the New Year (John 9:8-41)

Key Idea: To live faithfully, we must humbly allow the truth to build our faith and worship. 1. The core of compromise Two dangers to faithfulness: Religious ritual over carrying a cross A fear of the cost 2. The heart of faithfulness We must humbly allow the truth to build our faith and worship. Humility Truth Faith […]
A Purpose Greater Than Your Suffering (John 9:1-12)

Key Idea: To embrace our sufferings we must believe that God’s purpose is greater than the suffering itself. 1. To embrace suffering you must have faith in the greater story of God 2. To embrace suffering you must have faith in the purposes of God
Life & Death (John 8:48-59)

Key Idea: Jesus is the center of life and the defeater of death. Jesus, the Center of Life Jesus, the Defeater of Death
Hard Truths and Genuine Belief (John 8:37-47)

Two hard truths about false assurance Two signs of genuine belief