Keeping Up with Praxis

Hi Lighthouse Church Family! We miss you and we want to keep in touch! “Checking in with the Church Family” is our series to help us stay connected, provide encouragement, and remind us all of how God has been good and faithful to Lighthouse during this unique season. Stay tuned for updates from different ministries, highlights, interviews and encouragements as we all continue to think through loving and serving others during this time.

Ways You Can Be Praying for Praxis

  1. Pray for those adjusting to living at home again and being a faithfulness witness as well as those who are now more isolated and lonely that they would continue to find community through the church
  2. Pray for those with jobs to work diligently when it’s easier to be lazy at home and for those without jobs to trust in the Lord and God would be gracious to provide
  3. Pray for wise, creative, and sacrificial usage of time, skills, and resources in Praxis and the rest of the body of Christ
  4. Pray for joy in trials and growth in Christ, that this unique season would not be wasted but redeemed to love Jesus and others more
If you are interested in attending Praxis or if you have any questions, please email