Caring for One Another: Reflections on the Study

Hi Lighthouse Church Family! For the Fall 2020 small group season, our small groups have been reading “Caring for One Another” by Ed Welch. Each week, we discuss different ways we can practically care for one another! In light of circumstances that are keeping us physically apart, we want to share various ways that we’re creatively caring for each […]
Caring for One Another: Ways We Are Encouraging Others

Hi Lighthouse Church Family! For the Fall 2020 small group season, our small groups have been reading “Caring for One Another” by Ed Welch. Each week, we discuss different ways we can practically care for one another! In light of circumstances that are keeping us physically apart, we want to share various ways that we’re creatively caring for each […]
Caring for One Another: Ways We Are Loving Others

Hi Lighthouse Church Family! For the Fall 2020 small group season, our small groups have been reading “Caring for One Another” by Ed Welch. Each week, we discuss different ways we can practically care for one another! In light of circumstances that are keeping us physically apart, we want to share various ways that we’re creatively caring for each […]
Caring for One Another: How We’ve Been Cared For

Hi Lighthouse Church Family! For the Fall 2020 small group season, our small groups have been reading “Caring for One Another” by Ed Welch. Each week, we discuss different ways we can practically care for one another! In light of circumstances that are keeping us physically apart, we want to share various ways that we’re creatively caring for each […]
Elder Intern-views: Serving and Loving our Church Family

Hi Lighthouse Church Family! Thanks for joining us these last 5 weeks as our interns interviewed our elders on topics such as family life, life at home during a pandemic, ministry, church, and serving. We hope that these videos were an encouragement to you as you learned more about our elders and interns, even in a season […]
Elder Intern-views: Advice for the Interns

Hi Lighthouse Church Family! Join us for these last two weeks as our interns interview our elders on topics such as family life, life at home during a pandemic, ministry, church, and serving. We hope that these videos are an encouragement to you as you learn more about our elders and interns, even in a […]
Elder Intern-views: Ministry

Hi Lighthouse Church Family! Join us for these next three weeks as our interns interview our elders on topics such as family life, life at home during a pandemic, ministry, church, and serving. We hope that these videos are an encouragement to you as you learn more about our elders and interns, even in a season […]
Elder Intern-views: Life at Home

Hi Lighthouse Church Family! Join us for these next four weeks as our interns interview our elders on topics such as family life, life at home during a pandemic, ministry, church, and serving. We hope that these videos are an encouragement to you as you learn more about our elders and interns, even in a season physically […]
Elder Intern-views: Family Life

Hi Lighthouse Church Family! Join us for these next five weeks as our interns interview our elders on topics such as family life, life at home during a pandemic, ministry, church, and serving. We hope that these videos are an encouragement to you as you learn more about our elders and interns, even in a season […]
Keeping Up with Children’s Ministry

Hi Lighthouse Church Family! We miss you and we want to keep in touch! “Checking in with the Church Family” is our series to help us stay connected, provide encouragement, and remind us all of how God has been good and faithful to Lighthouse during this unique season. Stay tuned for updates from different ministries, […]