The “New” World (Genesis 9)

I. Man is Still Man: We are Made in God’s Image (9:1-7)

II. God is Still God: He is the Promise-Keeping God (9:8-17)

III. Man is Still Sinful: We Cannot Escape Sin (9:18-27)

IV. Man Still Needs a Savior: Christ, the Promised One (9:28-29)

Discussion Questions

1. What was one thing you learned from this sermon? What is one question you had?

2. What do you think the key idea to this sermon was?

3. God promised never to destroy the earth by flood again. That should give us great hope, because He promises to be merciful! What other promises of God should give us hope (hint: think about Christmas!)

4. There were four main truths from this passage of Scripture. Which truth do you think will be most helpful during the storms of your life? Why?