- Get Relationships – Make time for each other
- Grow in Christ Together – Move together toward Christ
- Pure – Where am I leaning on wisdom from below? Where do I see my heart moving away from the meekness of wisdom toward jealousy and selfish ambition?
- Peaceable – When am I tempted to be argumentative or hostile toward others?
- Gentle – How do I approach other people and their ideas? Is it in the gentleness of wisdom or harsh?
- Open to reason – Do I assume that I don’t see the whole picture, but that I have blind spots in every area of life that I need pointed out by others? Open to reason is the idea that we regularly want help to perceive ideas, situations, and ourselves more carefully.
- Full of mercy and good fruits – Am I filled with mercy? Am I a fountain of mercy for my family? Do you know how to love in the face of wrong? Can you be thankful in the moment for a relationship when a person is voicing the opposite of what you think?
- Impartial and sincere – Where does your thinking come with alliances and partiality? How often do you speak through a filter of saying what you think someone wants to hear or only saying what will make others think well of you? We must ask, “Is my speech sincere in its focus on others?”