Episode 45: What is the Church? An Evangelizing Community

“What is the church? One answer is that the church is an evangelizing community. We are a community who speaks the gospel and sends gospel preachers. How are you currently participating in two ways of being involved in evangelism? Let me encourage you to consider how you can glorify God in these ways.” Family Worship […]
God’s Faithfulness in Career and Job Search

Working at a job you don’t like is hard. Making a career transition is hard. Searching for a job before a pandemic was hard. Searching for a job during COVID has felt impossible. But even in these struggles, God has faithfully been with me through this entire career rollercoaster. Hi, I’m Jeannie Lee, a member […]
Episode 44: Strengthening and Growing Community

“As a church family, we have to fight the pressures of the culture and the deceitfulness of our hearts that tell us not to get too close right now and not to share too much right now. But if we are truly to love one another and look out for their greatest good, then we […]
Episode 43: What is the Church? A Worshiping Community

“There is a healthy discontentment that we should feel about the way things are. We should long to be together. We should long to be with our church family. A family that has to spend a long time apart from one another should never feel like that’s normal or healthy. But more than we should […]
Recommended Resources: June 8, 2020

Book Recommendation from a Pastor “Letters to the Church” by Francis Chan Recommendation by Pastor Gavin Kajikawa Author, pastor and missionary, Francis Chan writes “Letters to the Church” because of his love for Christ’s bride. He has lived through the unique challenges of pastoring Cornerstone Church in Simi Valley in the 1990s and early 2000s. […]
Episode 42: Messy, Watchful, and Humble Prayers

“God is always doing something. It may not be what we want or what we expect, but that doesn’t mean that God isn’t working… Our goal as we pray is to be watchful, to develop an eye for Jesus, and to look not just at what God is doing outside of us but even what […]
Meet Our Staff: Leighton Okada

Please meet Leighton! He’s the newest addition to Lighthouse’s staff and he’ll be serving as a pastoral intern in our youth ministry, working closely with Pastor Eric Cai and Pastoral Intern Keith! Learn a little bit about him through these questions and answers, then give him a warm welcome! (lokada@lighthousesouthbay.org) Tell us a little bit […]
Episode 41: Praying Without Ceasing

“You would be surprised at all the moments in your day that can be used for prayer. Waiting in line, brushing your teeth, before you start your work day, on your commute, when you are having trouble going to sleep, while working out, this list goes on. Be aware of these times and use them […]
Episode 40: Praying Relentlessly

“Lighthouse, what is your strategy for the coronavirus and all the troubles that come with it? Is it merely ducking your head, doing better, and trying harder? Is it a waiting game that rests on your resilience to survive? Or is it a humble pleading with God? Is it letting your concerns lead you to […]
Recommended Resources: June 1, 2020

Book Recommendation from a Pastor Seven Arrows by Matt Rogers and Donny Mathis Recommendation by Pastor Kim Kira Over the recent weeks we have looked at a couple of books in our Sunday sermons meant to encourage us as we pursue God. I wanted to highlight them this week and encourage you to consider them […]