Waiting on the Lord

COVID has added various challenges to all our lives this year. For me personally, it significantly delayed my visa process. What I expected to take 3-5 months actually took 1 year 2 months and 13 days. To the many of you who have been praying for me and supported me financially THANK YOU for your […]

Episode 74: You Watch Your Mouth!

“Our words should give grace to those who hear. Very simply, do your words point people to Christ? Does the graciousness of your speech remind people of the grace they find in the Gospel? Is there a hope-filled, heavenward flavor to the way you talk to people?”

Recommended Resources: November 9, 2020

Book Recommendation from a Pastor “Weep With Me” by Mark Vroegop  Recommendation by Pastor Mat Pau In a year characterized by difficulty, hardship, suffering and hurt, “Weep With Me” is a timely read – especially regarding the issue of racism. Now wherever you might stand on the topic, ask yourself: “What is your first impulse […]

Love in a Box

Hello dear church! My name is Victoria Hays and I’m a wife and a mother to 3 sweet girls and 2 foster kids. My husband and I live in Torrance, CA, but before I married my husband I lived in Belarus, a former USSR country in Eastern Europe. I wanted to share with you a […]

Episode 73: Am I Emotionally Healthy?

“Emotional health is not knowing how to always, “feel better.” Emotional health is knowing how to come to God as a complete person, no matter what you are facing. It’s not about immediately having God take away bad feelings.” Family Worship Family Worship Devotional Download Scripture: Psalm 42:5 Worship Still, My Soul be Still (https://youtu.be/27WmFfY3rwc) […]

Recommended Resources: November 2, 2020

Book Recommendation from a Pastor “Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands,” Paul Tripp Recommendation by Pastor Tim St. John What has been the focus of your relationships lately? How often do you think about how to build up a fellow brother or sister in Christ? The writer of Hebrews says that “building others up” must be […]

Episode 72: Wise and Gentle Dialogue

Let’s be humble enough to recognize our own biases. The other side can also be well-thought-out; we may have something to learn from them. Read and study those who you disagree with. Let’s find ways to have constructive and instructive dialogue rather than debates where the loudest win.”   Family Worship Family Worship Devotional Download […]

Recommended Resources: October 26, 2020

Book Recommendation from a Pastor “From Pride to Humility by Stuart Scott” Recommendation by Pastor Wayne Hu One of the greatest ways we can grow as a Christian is to grow in humility. Without humility, we cannot come to God, we cannot love God supremely, we cannot love and serve others genuinely, we cannot resolve […]

Elder Intern-views: Serving and Loving our Church Family

Hi Lighthouse Church Family! Thanks for joining us these last 5 weeks as our interns interviewed our elders on topics such as family life, life at home during a pandemic, ministry, church, and serving. We hope that these videos were an encouragement to you as you learned more about our elders and interns, even in a season […]

Lifted Up: God’s Grace Through the Prayers of the Saints

When I look back on these past two years, I think of God’s graciousness to our family through our emotional mountains and valleys that have come to define this journey. I’m Kaitlin Quon.  My husband Kevin and I have two daughters, Laura (4) and Corinne “Corrie” (17 months). In pregnancy, as mothers-to-be, we have little […]