Meet Our Staff: Sarah Shaw Ojeda

Please meet Sarah! She’s a new addition to Lighthouse’s staff and she’ll be serving as a biblical counseling intern. Learn a little bit about her through these questions and answers, then give her a warm welcome! Tell us a little bit about yourself! My name is Sarah Shaw Ojeda. I am currently working on my […]
Meet Our Staff: Christian Hedland

Please meet Christian! He’s a new addition to Lighthouse’s staff and he’ll be serving as a pastoral intern in Beacon, our college ministry. Learn a little bit about him through these questions and answers, then give him a warm welcome! Tell us a little bit about yourself! Hi Lighthouse family! My name is Christian Hedland, […]
Meet Our Staff: Rosalyn Auyeung

Please meet Rosalyn! She’s a new addition to Lighthouse’s staff and she’ll be serving as a biblical counseling intern. Learn a little bit about her through these questions and answers, then give her a warm welcome! Tell us a little bit about yourself! Hi! My name is Rosalyn Auyeung! My husband Isaac and I have […]
Meet Our Staff: Jen Kira

Please meet Jen! She’s a new addition to Lighthouse’s staff and she’ll be serving as the Women’s Ministry director alongside Mel Hu. Learn a little bit about her through these questions and answers, then give her a warm welcome! Tell us a little bit about yourself! Hi! My name is Jen Kira. I am married […]
Meet Our Staff: Alessandro Gonzalez

Please meet Alessandro! He’s the newest addition to Lighthouse’s staff and he’ll be serving as an intern, working closely with Pastor Francis in Beacon, our college ministry. Learn a little bit about him through these questions and answers, then give him a warm welcome! ( Tell us a little bit about yourself! Ok, here we […]
Missing Community

Hi Lighthouse! My name is Zach Chen. Fun fact about myself, in high school, I was voted “Most Shy” for my class of +800 students. Not that I was actually shy. I was just really, really quiet (i.e., sometimes I literally wouldn’t say a word for days). Having missed the opportunity to learn how to […]
Episode 88: Holy Week – Good Friday

“This is our final devotional video of Passion Week and we’re here on Good Friday—the day that Jesus is crucified on the cross I’m guessing that some of you have spent time this week reading and meditating on those passages in the gospels that give an account of these events. And if so, I wonder […]
Episode 87: Holy Week – Maundy Thursday

“Today is Maundy Thursday in Holy Week. In case you were curious, the name, Maundy Thursday, comes from Jesus’ words at the Last Supper, “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you.” In the Latin, “new commandment” is mandatum novum. As we approach the final […]
God’s Silence and Grace During COVID

Hello Lighthouse families. My name is Sunghee Park. I’m married to Roy and we have three kiddos together. Our oldest son, Evan, is 13 years old and has severe autism. There is a saying that if you meet one person with autism, you met one person with autism. Autism can vary greatly from a person […]
Episode 86: Holy Week – Spy Wednesday

“We started Holy Week with Jesus’s Triumphal Entry on Palm Sunday. Monday features the temple cleansing, fig tree lesson, and Tuesday where Jesus squares off with the Jewish leaders and teachers of the law. In comparison, Wednesday is pretty low key. We actually don’t have many verses in the Bible dedicated to what happens on […]