Honor Thy Father and Mother (Ephesians 6:1-3)

Parents and Children (Colossians 3:20-21)

The Gospel-Centered Family (Luke 7:36-50)

Key Idea: To show each other grace in our relationships we ourselves must first be transformed everyday by the grace God extends to us. 1. A Gospel-centered family recognizes sin as their greatest problem Applications a. Be much more focused on your own sin b. Continually suspect and inspect your own heart 2. A Gospel-centered […]
Parenting – Faithfulness and Faith (Psalm 127)

Key Idea: We must give up the illusion of personal sovereignty I. Faithfulness – giving up the illusion of sovereignty reorients our faithfulness If what we are pursuing for our kids, is not what GOD is pursuing for our kids, God is not in that, and it is ultimately meaningless. Parenting is ultimately about addressing […]
The Blessings of Fearing God (Psalm 128)
Key Idea: The God-fearing man has a special relationship to Scripture that results in a life of blessing from God The Basis of the Blessings (Psalm 128:1) The Extent of the Blessings (Psalm 128:2-6)
Episode 14: Shepherding our Children in Troubled Times

“How are we as parents to love the fainthearted? We need to encourage them. They also need truth but this truth is applied in a different manner and looked at in a different perspective. Rather than correction we look to comfort and point our children to a loving father who is truly in control of […]
Episode 13: Loving Our Kids In This Coronavirus Season

“A gospel-centered home is not one where everyone’s trying to be perfect or act as if they have it all together. Instead, a gospel-centered home is one where everyone is constantly reconciling everyday through the power of the gospel.” Family Worship Family Worship Devotional Download Worship Songs – Lord, I Need You – O Lord, […]
My Heart for Our Church Families

Identifying Three Dangerous Underlying Values in Parenting

No Greater Joy As Parents (3 John 1-4)

Parenting is about priorities: pursuing the great over the good Parenting is about truth: shepherding kids to live Christ’s truth in a world of falsehoods