Episode 21: Hope During Change

“How much time are you spending on God’s Word each day? One encouragement would be to spend more time with the Lord, to think about His character and what He’s given us in Christ. Let’s hold fast to the gospel and not only preach it to ourselves, but truly meditate on what it means for […]
Episode 19: Hope in Christ Over the World

“The antidote to worldly hopes that competes and seeks to distract our hearts from Christ – is to focus on Him more. That our thoughts and minds would preeminently think about Christ. To reflect on who Christ is and who you are as recipients of His saving grace. To do this with greater intensity and […]
Hope for Suffering Sojourners (1 Peter 1:1-5)

Key Idea: We can live with faith through suffering and hardship because of who we are and what we have in Christ.
Rumors of a Savior (Genesis 3:15)

Key Idea: Let Christmas encourage your hope by reminding you of the relentless faithfulness of God. Two reasons Christmas encourages when we have a hope deferred: Christmas demonstrates God will always be faithful. Christmas demonstrates God’s plan is always best.
A Thrill of Hope (Matthew 1:1-17)

Key Idea: Three ways the Christmas story provides real hope Hope for outsiders cultural outsiders social outsiders Hope for sinners Hope for sufferers The faithfulness of God’s plan The fullness of God’s plan
Living with Hope (1 Thessalonians 5:1-11)

Key Idea: The Day of the Lord challenges believers to live with hope in the present.
Hope in the Return (1 Thessalonians 4:16-18)

Key Idea: We have an eternal hope in the future that allows us to live steadfast and faithful lives in the present.
Christmas: When God Entered Our Story (John 1:14)

Key Idea: The Christmas Story transforms our story. I. When God entered the story it made the Christmas story bigger. II. When God entered the story it made the Christmas story more enlightened. III. When God entered the story it made the Christmas story more hopeful.
The Hope of the Resurrection (Acts 17:19-34)

Key Idea: The resurrection brings living hope to a dying world I. Recognize the reality of religion We all live in light of God. We are all worshipers. II. Reorient your life to God God cannot be a product of what we imagine. God is far greater than what we can imagine. God’s judgment will […]
God’s Power Gives Hope to the Hopeless (Acts 9:1-20)

Key Idea: We can have faith and confidence in God’s changing power to change the seemingly hopeless.