Giving A Reason For Our Hope (Isaiah 49.5-6)
Learning from the Master: Lessons from Jesus on Faithful Evangelism (John 8:21-30)
Three fundamental components of faithful evangelism Faithful evangelism identifies the real problem Faithful evangelism identifies the real solution Jesus’ death Jesus’ resurrection Faithful evangelism asks for a real response
Why Should We Tell Others About Jesus? (John 4:27-42)
Three encouragements for us as we tell others about Jesus: 1. We have been given a new purpose (vv. 27-30) 2. Our task is a joyful privilege (vv. 31-38) 3. God saves people (vv. 39-42)
Jesus the Evangelist (John 4:1-26)
Key Theological Idea: Jesus is the Messiah, who offers the living water of eternal life. Key Practical Idea: We must move toward people for the Gospel, and move them toward Christ with the Gospel. I. Christ should determine the direction of your mission II. Christ should determine the direction of your conversations III. Christ should […]
A Conversation with Jesus (John 3:1-11)
Key Theological Idea: You must be born again. Evangelistic Truth: We must understand that we are all desperate for grace. I. An understanding of people’s desperation for grace gives us an evangelistic understanding of others II. An understanding of people’s desperation for grace gives us evangelistic applications III. An understanding of people’s desperation for grace […]
Unashamed (2 Timothy 1:8-12)
Key Idea: We are unashamed because we believe in a powerful message, we have been given a holy calling, and we know whom we have believed. I. We are unashamed because we believe in a powerful message. (v.8) II. We are unashamed because we have been given a holy calling. (vv.9-11) III. We are unashamed […]
God’s Sovereignty: The Fuel for Faithful Evangelism (Selected Scriptures)
Barriers to Evangelism (Selected Scriptures)
Continuing the Mission of Christ (Acts 8)
Key Idea: The power of the gospel produces godly traits in us.
Giving the Gospel (1 Corinthians 9.18-23)
God wants us to selflessly give the Gospel to others. I. The Motivation II .The Strategy III. The Reality