Love as a Way of Life (1 John 2:7-11)

Key Idea: True disciples of Christ live out a Christ-honoring love for others. Three reasons our love for others is an indicator of genuine faith: I. Loving others is foundational II. Loving others reflects Christ a. Jesus extends love to sinners and enemies b. Jesus commits love to imperfect people III. Loving others guides our […]

God’s Loving Demand (1 John 2:3-6)

The Christ-Centered life has a powerful and persevering love for others that flows from our love for God. Three ways to grow in love: Look to Christ Love Christ Abide in Christ How we abide in Christ We reject sin (1 John 3:6) We rely on the Word as fuel for our faith and love […]

Christ is Life (1 John 1:1-4)

Key idea of 1 John 1:1-4 – We must life a life focused on Christ. Three reasons to live a life focused on Christ: I. Because in Christ we have revelation As we get to know Christ, we get to know God; as we get to know God we grow in our trust of God. […]

The Life-Changing Word of God (Psalm 19:7-8)

The Main Goal: Through God’s Life-Changing Word we meet and encounter God. God’s Life-Changing Word revives our soul. God’s Life-Changing Word transforms our minds. God’s Life-Changing Word brings joy to our hearts.