A Profound Mystery (1 Corinthians 11:2-16)

3 Caveats 1. Scripture confronts us 2. Scripture speaks into, rather than conforms to, our culture 3. Scripture shapes how we love, not just how we live  Key idea: A people centered on Jesus the Messiah reflect the Messiah in how they show honor to one another and in how they show dependence on one […]

Avoiding an Empty Life (1 Corinthians 15:58)

Key Idea – A life that matters is one lived FOR the gospel, because we live IN the Gospel. Gospel Ministry – Ministry that pursues the expansion of the gospel in the hearts of believers and in the salvation of unbelievers. I. A Life that is Wasted Our premises lead to our purposes. The wasted […]

A Sincere and Pure Devotion (1 Corinthians 7:25-40)

Key idea: A life centered on Messiah means a life of sincere and pure devotion to Messiah. A life of sincere and pure devotion consists of two characteristics: 1. A sincere and pure devotion enables us to have a unique involvement with the world (vv. 25-31) We have a unique perspective on relationships (vv. 25-28) […]