Very Good: Male and Female He Created Them (Selected Scriptures)SermonsDavid LeeKairos (High School), Rooted (Junior High)Very Good: Man and Woman He Created ThemEphesians, GenesisManhood, Marriage, Sex, Womanhood
Out of a Far CountrySermonsDr. Christopher YuanSunday SermonHoly SexualityGender, Same-Sex Attraction, Sex, Sexuality
Holy Sexuality and the GospelSermonsDr. Christopher YuanSpecial EventsHoly SexualityGender, Same-Sex Attraction, Sexuality
Homosexuality: Texts and HermeneuticsSermonsDr. Christopher YuanSpecial EventsHoly SexualityGender, Same-Sex Attraction, Sexuality
Sex, Gender, and the Image of GodSermonsDr. Christopher YuanSpecial EventsHoly SexualityGender, Same-Sex Attraction, Sexuality
Sexual Identity, False IdentitySermonsDr. Christopher YuanSpecial EventsHoly SexualityGender, Same-Sex Attraction, Sexuality
Session 9 – Reflecting on God’s Grace (Sermon Study Guide)Study GuidesAdult Small GroupsHumility: The Joy of Self-ForgetfulnessHumility
Youth Group for God’s Glory: Technology (Selected Scriptures)SermonsDavid LeeKairos (High School), Rooted (Junior High)Technology
Session 8 – Chapter 6: Humility toward LeadersStudy GuidesAdult Small GroupsHumility: The Joy of Self-ForgetfulnessHumility
Biblical Worldview Q&ASermonsAllen Tsai, Christian Hedland, Keith Fong, Leia YenPraxis (Young Adult, Post-college)Towards a Biblical WorldviewMoney, politics, Sanctity of Life
Hope For the Cruciformed Life (Galatians 6:15-18)SermonsKim KiraSunday SermonGalatiansGalatiansChrist-Centered Life, Hope
Session 7 – Chapter 5: Humility among PeersStudy GuidesAdult Small GroupsHumility: The Joy of Self-ForgetfulnessHumility