For those of you who don’t know, Lighthouse just sent off a short-term Missions Team to Japan! Since the beginning, Lighthouse has been focusing on Japan as one of its target countries (in terms of evangelism), and we have finally sent our first team. Daichi, Joy, Zach, Mark, Christina (and kids) will be partnering with Christ Bible Institute in Nagoya, spending time with the teams there, and teaching musical worship seminars. Team Member/Summer Intern Zach will be sending daily updates so keep checking back!
It’s about 10:00pm here in Nagoya, Japan.
Monday, June 20
8:30AM – Joy’s dad took us (i.e. Daichi, Joy, and myself) to the Metro.
9:00AM – We realized that I forgot to bring the money we were to bring on the trip.
10:00AM – Tickets printed. Bags checked in.
11:00AM – Pastor Gavin brings us the money.
1:00PM – Board airplane to Tokyo.
Daichi, Joy (zzz), and Zach on route to Nagoya to meet Mark and Christina (and all our friends at CBI!)
~Time Warp~
Tuesday, June 21
4:30PM – Arrive at Narita Airport.
5:00PM – Daichi sends a bunch of strange emojis to Yasuyo, Hide, & Mark.
6:30PM – Board airplane to Nagoya.
8:00PM – Arrive in Nagoya.
8:30PM – Get our luggage. Find Damon. (Damon Cha is a missionary in Nagoya who teaches at Christ Bible Seminary, an affiliate of Christ Bible Institute).
9:30PM – Check into our hotel.
View from our hotel! Plus amazing Japanese toilets.
The trip over to Japan was very smooth (Thanks for all the prayers!). Not much went wrong other than the leaving all the money behind. But in a small way, God’s faithfulness has already being shown through the graciousness of Pastor Gavin driving all the way back to my house (in Artesia!), picking up the money, and then driving all the way back to battle the traffic at LAX to get us the money.
We were able to pray together before we went through all the scanning and stuff. It reminded me of all the people praying for us and our need for prayer and for God to sustain, protect, grow, and use us.
How Can Lighthouse Be Praying?
– For those of you who don’t know, Lighthouse is planning on bringing a pastoral intern from CBI named Hide Kawai (and his family, too!) to intern with us for a year. He hasn’t gotten his visa approved yet, so the Japan Team will get to visit with the Kawai family and see them. Unfortunately, Hide has been having a bad cold for the last few days. He wasn’t able to be there to pick us up with Damon. Please be praying for him!
-The language barrier is becoming more and more apparent.
-Damon & his family are still trying to adjust to life in Japan.
-We were able to talk to Damon about some of the barriers to evangelism in Japan. Pray for open hearts and the salvation of many here in Nagoya.
We’ll update again soon … thanks for the prayers!