Episode 73: Am I Emotionally Healthy?

“Emotional health is not knowing how to always, “feel better.” Emotional health is knowing how to come to God as a complete person, no matter what you are facing. It’s not about immediately having God take away bad feelings.”

Family Worship

Family Worship Devotional Download

Scripture: Psalm 42:5


  1. Still, My Soul be Still (https://youtu.be/27WmFfY3rwc)
  2. Oh the Deep, Deep Love (https://youtu.be/bJMiD4o4rws)

Key Point – Emotional health means you understand what emotions you’re feeling, how they impact you, and how to engage them in a way that honors Christ.


  1. What emotions have you been feeling lately? (e.g. bitterness, indifference, anxiety, happiness)
  2. Once you’ve identified them, listen to what they are saying about your world. What are they saying is important to you? What are they saying about God, yourself, relationships, and your circumstances?
  3. The next step is to evaluate what you are feeling before God. Draw near to God and other mature believers. Then prayerfully consider together what aspects of what you’re feeling bring glory to God and which are destructive or selfish.
  4. The goal here is not to change how you feel, rather how to you move forward in life with a greater awareness of what your heart worships and how you need to seek God in specific areas.

Prayer – Choose a few powerful emotions you’ve been feeling lately and turn every feeling into a prayer. God cares about every part of your life and wants every emotion you feel to send you sprinting to him for hope and help. If you have trouble with this, start by reading the following Psalms to see honest prayers from saints in