Sunday and Monday Recap:
Thank you for praying for us! On Sunday, we went to Daiso in the morning to get supplies for the VBS, while others were busy shopping for supplies, I was enamored by the amount of stuff at Daiso and wanted to buy almost the entire store. After Daiso, we attended Sunday service at Logos Community Church. Pastor Toshi preached on Philippians 1:27-30 on how to live a Gospel-centered life. Since service didn’t start till 2 pm and our jetlag was starting to get to us, we jokingly told Toshi that if he saw our eyes closed, we were deep in prayer for him. Toshi was kind enough to translate his manuscript into English so we were able to follow along and no one nodded off! My favorite part about the service was when we sang “Christ Our Hope in Life and Death”. Although, it was all in Japanese and the only word I knew to sing was “Hallelujah” singing the song reminded me of the beauty of the Gospel and how it transcends all cultural and language barriers. We sing and worship the same God and pray that one day every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Christ is Lord! After service, we got to hangout with the Burn’s and Kawai’s kids until it was time to go to dinner, it was really sweet to be able to meet them and to get to know them. They were so friendly and helpful 🙂
On Monday, we got to the center where the VBS is held and we started setting up the rooms and prepping for tomorrow. A few Logos families came to help with covering tables and floors, sorting through craft supplies, writing nametags, and getting everything ready to go! Afterwards, we shared a meal together and got to know each other a bit better, played games, and hung out with each other while we waited for a couple of team members to return from their Costco trip. Everything is ready to go and we’re excited to get VBS started tomorrow!
Prayer Requests:
-VBS starts tomorrow please pray for the kids who are attending and their families that God would soften their hearts to hear and understand the Gospel and that they would see their need for Christ!
-Please continue to pray for us to be able to adjust to the time difference. We’re still very jetlag and when 3-4 pm rolls around we’re all exhausted. Please pray for us to have energy!