2023 Japan KSE: Last Day in Nagoya!

Lighthouse, we are back!! We safely made it back to LAX this morning at 5:50 am. The weather in Torrance today makes it feel like we’re still in Japan because it’s so warm and muggy! Anyways, wanted to recap the last day that we spent in Nagoya. On Sunday, we had a special Sunday service […]
2023 Japan KSE: Day 5 of VBS!

Today was the last day of VBS! :’) We cannot believe how fast this week has gone by! The theme for today was: God loves you when you are weak. In Yochien, Sammie taught the preschoolers to make watercolor paper silhouettes and taught them the story of how Jesus healed the young girl. In Rec, […]
2023 Japan KSE: Day 3 of VBS!

We’re more than halfway through! The week is flying by and the kids are getting more comfortable with us which is great! Some of them try to use whatever little English they know to try to communicate with us :’) so sweet! The theme for today: God loves you when you are struggling! In Yochien, […]
2023 Japan KSE: Day 2 of VBS!

Day 2 is done! The week is starting to fly by :’) Today the theme was: God loves you when you are worried! In Yochien, Sammie taught them the story of David and Goliath. The kids were able to share during their reflection time what they are scared about and we were able to remind […]
2023 Japan KSE: Day 1 of VBS!

Today we had our first day of KSE! There 51 kids who attended and 15-20 moms who served as volunteers. It was really encouraging to see these moms volunteer as most of them aren’t believers. We hope that despite the fact that KSE is catered towards kids, these moms are also able to hear the […]
2023 Japan KSE: Visiting Logos and Prepping for VBS!

Sunday and Monday Recap: Thank you for praying for us! On Sunday, we went to Daiso in the morning to get supplies for the VBS, while others were busy shopping for supplies, I was enamored by the amount of stuff at Daiso and wanted to buy almost the entire store. After Daiso, we attended Sunday […]
2023 Japan KSE: Landed in Japan!

Konichiwa Lighthouse! After 18 hours of travel we finally made it to Nagoya! Here’s a short recap of the last almost 24 hours. Our team met at LAX at 11 am to check in our luggages and supplies for VBS. We were joined by Pastor Gavin and Pastor Kelly who came to pray and send […]
We Become What We Behold

Hi Lighthouse! For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Joycelyn and I’m a part of Praxis, the young adult fellowship at Lighthouse. Now that we’re approaching the end of 2020, I wanted to share a story of how God has been gracious to me through the means of COVID and the […]