Today was the last day of VBS! :’) We cannot believe how fast this week has gone by!
The theme for today was: God loves you when you are weak.
In Yochien, Sammie taught the preschoolers to make watercolor paper silhouettes and taught them the story of how Jesus healed the young girl.
In Rec, Katelyn had the kids play with balloons. Who knew balloons could bring so much joy? She had them do the balloon waddle and race across the room. Twas a funny sight to watch!

In crafts, Cindy taught the kids sand art. They were able to pick from one of the Safari animals(lion, rhino, elephant, zebra, tiger, and giraffe). Everyone wanted the lion, probably because of Hosannah-chan (our lion mascot for the week).

Seichi taught the kids the story of Jesus healing a lame man and taught them the verse “My grace is sufficient for you for my power is made perfect in weakness.” -2 Corinthians 12:9. Jesus promises that we can have power when we depend on him!

In Life rotation, Joycelyn had the kids tie in the theme of the day by having them discuss the topic of disabilities and God’s purpose in them. We had the kids discuss and share questions such as: do any of you guys know someone who has a disability? how do you feel when you talk to them? how do you think they feel? They shared that they either know or have seen someone with a disability. In Japan, people who have a disability are able to apply for a disability tag and that is how people are able to distinguish them. The kids shared that whenever they see someone with a physical disability, they ask them if they need help. So sweet!
8 non-Christian families had a photoshoot with Cindy today after VBS. Please pray for these 8 precious families’ salvation and that they would come to know Christ! MVP Cindy for withstanding the heat outside!
Crazy how 5 days of KSE has now come to an end! Tomorrow, we have 70 people registered to attend Sunday service at Logos(PTL!!!). Please pray for Toshi as he is preaching tomorrow! Please also pray for all the attendees that they would see KSE as more than just a fun week of English, but a place where they were able to experience the love of God. We pray that seeds were planted this week and that God would use this week to further His kingdom for His glory!
Thank you Lighthouse for praying for us so fervently this week. We are so thankful we get to be the hands and feet of Lighthouse to the people of Japan!