We’re more than halfway through! The week is flying by and the kids are getting more comfortable with us which is great! Some of them try to use whatever little English they know to try to communicate with us :’) so sweet!
The theme for today: God loves you when you are struggling!
In Yochien, Sammie taught them the story of Joseph and his brothers, some of the kids knew the story so they were engaged and listening well. We reviewed yesterday’s memory verse during snack time and most of the kids were able to remember it. For rec, we played “4 corners” and the kids were able to practice counting down from 10 in English! We’ve been practicing counting down in English with them every time we transition to another station.

For crafts, Cindy had the kids each make a rain sticks! They kids were able decorate the sticks with animals you would find on a safari. Inside the rain stick, they put beans and rice inside. Cindy told them they were “special” beans all the way from America which made them super excited!
In teaching time, Seichi taught them when Jesus was in the Garden of Gethsamane. How, Jesus struggled immensely when he was there in anticipation of what was to come. He commited to go to the cross out of His great love for us. Seichi taught the kids that Jesus isn’t someone who doesn’t understand or relate to us, but is someone who knows, who understands, who loves us in the midst of our struggles.

For snacks, we introduced the kids to another world of American goodies: rice krispie treats and handi-cheese. They love the fake orange cheese for some reason!
In Rec, Katelyn, had the kids play 4 corners. The kids really enjoyed running around and counting down from 10!

After VBS ended, we had lunch with all the kids and their parents again. These lunch time fellowship is becoming a really sweet time of building relationships organically. We love how these moms try so hard to use what little English they have to try to communicate with us and try to get to know us. Getting to know the locals more and more is growing our heart to be more prayerful for their salvation and pleading that one day that may know Christ!
The Burn’s were so gracious and hospitable in inviting us over for dinner last night. We got to enjoy dinner and fellowship with them, the Kawai’s, Saito’s, and Tipton’s.

There are only a couple of days left on our trip and it’s starting to hit us that we are saying goodbye soon. Please pray that we will continue to steward our remaining time here well! To continue to serve Logos Community Church well, to support them in their ministry, and to continue to show that Christ is beautiful and worth following to the locals!