Today we had our first day of KSE!
There 51 kids who attended and 15-20 moms who served as volunteers. It was really encouraging to see these moms volunteer as most of them aren’t believers. We hope that despite the fact that KSE is catered towards kids, these moms are also able to hear the Gospel and be saved themselves. The theme for today is: God loves you even when you’re lonely”. The kids are separated into 3 groups: yochien(preschool age), 1st-3rd grade, and 4th-6th grade.
In Yochien, Sammie taught them the parable of the prodigal son in their lesson. Despite some of them being very distracting, it was encouraging to see that during lesson review, they were able to answer all of Sammie’s questions and remember what she had taught them. Seichi taught the older kids the parable of the lost sheep. He kept the students engaged by having one of them act as the shepherd while they led their “herd” to grass or to water and incorporated English phrases such as “I’m thirsty” and “I’m hungry” for them to learn. Katelyn led the Rec time by playing the game: “Red Light, Green light”. The kids had a lot of fun running around and eventually, the game increased in difficulty. Every time “red light” was called, the kids would have to freeze and strike the pose of an animal and make that animal’s sound. Cindy led crafts and today the kids got to color their Hosanna Savanna tote bags. Alessandro fed the kids animal crackers and applesauce from America. The animal crackers had sheep shapes which tied in perfectly with the parable lesson for the day! Lastly, Joycelyn taught the older kids “Life Lesson” which consisted of having them discuss what they learned from the lesson and on the topic of loneliness through the example of bullying. I divided the kids up into groups of 3-4 and walked around the room as they chatted and shared in their groups. I wish I could speak and understand Japanese at that moment as I wish I could know what they were sharing. Afterward, we had music time to close out VBS, and the kids were dancing and singing very loudly the three songs we had introduced to them at the beginning. After VBS officially ended, we had lunch with so many of the kids and their parents. It was such a sweet time of getting to know the kids better and allowing them and their families to get to know Logos Community Church better.
After lunch, we left and went to go visit CBI(Christ Bible Institute). We ran into Paul Kang at the door and he gave us a tour of the school! So thankful for CBI and for all that they have done in equipping men and women in Japan for the sake of the Gospel!
What a great first day! Thank you for praying for us, we are so thankful to be here, to be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with our brothers and sisters at Logos, and minister to these precious children and their families in Japan alongside them!
Prayer Requests:
- Please continue to pray for KSE, tomorrow we are talking to them about worrying. We pray that these kids and families would come to believe that they don’t have to worry or be anxious about anything because God is sovereign and He loves them.
- Please pray for the team. The heat and the jetlag are starting to get to us and these 14 hr days that we are on are starting to take a toll on our bodies. Please pray for us to have the strength and energy to be able to serve selflessly and love joyfully!
おやすみなさい (Oyasuminasai)!