The Pathway of Love

The Wonderful Love of God (Psalm 107)

Give thanks to the LORD for He is good, for His steadfast love endures forever. I. The LORD of Steadfast Love (vv 1-42) A. The Lord Redeems His People (vv 2-3) B. Four Stories of God’s Love (vv 4-32) 1. God Loves the Wanderer (vv 4-9) 2. God Loves the Prisoners (vv 10-16) 3. God […]
In Pursuit of Unfair Relationships (John 13:1-17)
Key idea: Christian love (by its very nature) is the pursuit of what is unfair. 1. We must admit our struggle to love Two truths: Our sin makes it difficult to recognize our own sin Our sin means we will justify sin Two applications: DO see yourself in this story as a disciple who desperately […]
Episode 4: Faith and Love

“Let us be passionate in our love for others. Let us have eyes that see the need around us. Let us follow the great example that we have in Christ, who gave His life as a ransom for many. And as we love others, may the world around us notice and be drawn to our […]
Cultivating Love (1 John 4:13-21)

Key Idea: Our love for others is cultivated in our relationship with God I. The importance of cultivating love: Love Defines Our Lives We must not excuse our lack of love. We must let love be the filter through which we see our world. We must find hope in love. II. The soil of love: […]