Affections of the Heart: Joy (James 1:2-4)

I. We Can Find Joy in Our Trials (1:2-3) II. We Can Find Joy When We Trust in Christ (1:2-3)Joy: “a settled contentment in every situation by trusting in God.” The greatest joy you can ever have is found in a relationship with God Himself. III. We Can Find Joy Knowing He Has a Purpose […]

Fruit, Faith, and the Gospel: Joy (John 15:11)

Key Idea: Key Idea: We find fullness of joy when we remember Christ’s character and respond to Him in faith. “He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away. And he who […]

Trials, Refined Faith, and Inexpressible Joy (1 Peter 1:6-9)

Key Idea: Trials are God doing what is necessary to pursue what is precious. God will do what is necessary to pursue what is precious. The precious that God wants for us is refined faith. Refined faith leads to inexpressible joy. Joy in knowing and experience the object of your love (v. 8) Joy in […]

Joy in Sorrow (John 16:16-24)

Key idea: We find a persevering and powerful joy when we see life in light of Christ and his gospel Four aspects of true joy to encourage our faith and increase our joy True joy recognizes the world’s counterfeits True joy is rooted in the Gospel True joy sees the bigger story Believe that suffering […]

Episode 68: Doing the Same Things

“The command to “remember” is a frequent one with God’s character or promises or works, and it’s not just talking about intellectually recalling information, but this active bringing to mind and applying its significance. For example, we “remember” by preaching the gospel to ourselves.” Family Worship Family Worship Devotional Download Worship: O Great God Jesus, […]

Joy and Design, Part 1: What role do you play? (Selected Scriptures)

Theme: God has designed and given us biblical roles as men and women for human joy and flourishing – and for thriving marriages.   Key Idea: Biblical manhood is when a man lives out his God-designed responsibility to humbly lead, love, provide for, and protect women and family.

Joy & Design: Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (Selected Scriptures)

Key Idea: God has given us biblical roles as men and women for human flourishing and thriving marriages. I. Biblical Manhood and a Man to Find A godly man has a sense of responsibility to humbly lead, love, provide for, and protect women and family II. Biblical Womanhood and a Woman to Find A godly […]