Hope For the Cruciformed Life (Galatians 6:15-18)

Key Idea: Grace is the hope for the cruciformed life.
Suffering Well (1 Peter 4:12-19)

Key Idea: We suffer well as Christians when we learn and embrace five lessons:
Hope in the Darkness (Genesis 3.14-24)

Holding Fast to Hope (1 Peter 1:13-21)

Living in the Light of the Son (Colossians 1:3-14)

Hope (Micah 7:7-20)

Holiness and Hope (Micah 1)

Theme: Living in light of the holiness and hope of God.
A Light That Brings Hope (Micah 5:1-5a)

A Light in the Darkness (Part 3): A Light That Brings Hope Micah 5:1-5a Key Idea: God allows and uses our humiliation so we might be prepared to hope in Him. I. Setting the Stage: Humiliation (vv.1-2a) II. Seeing the Savior: Hope (vv.2b-5a)
Episode 49: An Encouragement for Mothers with Young Children

Three Truths to Remember: 1.) Find your hope in God (Romans 8:28) 2.) Remember that God is loving (Lamentations 3:22 and Romans 5:3-5) 3.) Trust that God is enough (Lamentations 3:24) Prayer Focuses: – Pray that God would help you grow in thankfulness and joy, no matter the season – Pray that you would grow […]
Episode 22: Hope for the Future

“So when the stay-at-home order begins to lift and you get to fill your calendar with events and get togethers. Be excited and savor those events, don’t take them for granted, but don’t stop there. Let your earthly joy propel your heart to the eternal joy that waits for us in heaven. The reason why […]