Glory in the Gospel – Part 2: Faithfulness (John 17:2-5)

The greater my faith in the faithfulness of Christ, the more faithful I will live. Key idea: Christ’s glory is revealed in his faithfulness through the Gospel. Practical Application: We must have great faith in Christ, for our good and his glory. I. Our faith “to know” – It is to have fellowship with Jesus, built on […]

Glory in the Gospel (John 17:1)

Glory – The manifestation of God’s holy goodness and greatness. Kevin DeYoung: “The glory of God refers to his splendor, his majesty, his beauty, his weightiness, his gravitas, his wow, his awesomeness, his unbelievable-ness. [Thus] To glorify God means to honor God. When you glorify someone, you celebrate them, you give them honor… [To use […]

The Reformation: Historical Roots, Present Reality (Romans 1:17)

A brief history of the Reformation. I. Sola Scriptura: Scripture Alone – Pastor Kelly Kira II. Sola Fide: Faith Alone – Pastor Jason Ho III. Sola Gratia: Grace Alone – Pastor Ryan Narasaki IV. Solus Christus: Christ Alone – Pastor Gavin Kajikawa V. Soli Deo Gloria: God’s Glory Alone – Pastor Kim Kira