Taking up Your Cross (Mark 8:34-38)
Jesus Demands Absolute Allegiance Jesus Demands Surrendering Your Life Jesus Demands Boldness
Everyday Struggles of the Christian Life: Productivity

Discerning God’s Will (Part 2) (Selected Scriptures)

Following Jesus: A Better Way than Following Yourself (Matt 11.28-30)

If you’d like a more theological treatment of the topic, Pastor Eric did a training for the staff and made the training available as a PDF.
The Lord is My Shepherd (John 10:1-21)

Key Idea: Following the Good Shepherd in faith is to know the abundant life. I. Following… II. …the Good Shepherd in faith… The Good Shepherd knows his sheep The Good Shepherd sacrifices for his sheep III. …is to know the abundant life. 1. It makes boundaries beautiful 2. It shows following means freedom
True or False? (John 6:60-71)

Key Idea: True disciples respond to Jesus’ call to believe and follow True disciples respond by faith, not by sight True disciples rely upon God’s grace True disciples continue to follow Jesus
What Kind of King Do You Seek?(John 6:22-35)

Key Idea: Our self-focused following robs us of the soul satisfying nature of Christ-focused faith. I. Beware a self-focused following A self-focused following makes a god out of his gifts A self-focused following makes God about his gifts II. Pursue a Christ-focused faith A Christ-focused faith sees gifts as pointing to the greatness of Christ […]
The Proper Response to the Powerful Word of Christ (Luke 5:1-11)
The proper response to Jesus is brokenness and a willingness to leave everything and follow Him.
The Beginning (Mark 1:1)
Because Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, we must humbly and wholeheartedly follow him.