Growing Younger (Mark 10:13-31)

Following Jesus means recognizing our need for Him.
Reasons to Follow Jesus (Mark 9:1-13)

Following: The Heart of Discipleship (Mark 10:46-52)

Key Idea: Discipleship and following Jesus is the natural byproduct of understanding our need of Him, His love for us, and the gift of salvation.
Disciples First (2 Timothy 1:1-7)
Main Idea: A portrait of God glorifying discipleship I. We are recipients of a Godly sphere of influence II. We are deliverers of a Godly love III. We are encouragers to a Godly call
WWJD? (1 Corinthians 4:6-21)

Key idea: A people centered on Messiah embrace the way of Messiah and imitate models of Messiah 1. Embracing the way of Messiah (vv. 6-13) Embracing the way of Messiah means we don’t go beyond the way (vv. 6-7) Embracing the way of Messiah means we must count the cost of the way (vv. 8-13) […]
Prayer in Discipleship (Psalm 40)

Theme: Understanding the necessity of prayer Why we pray Why we pray together
The Call to Discipleship (Matthew 28:18-20)

Theme: How we can leave a legacy of faith for others to follow Imitating Christ Proclaiming Christ
A Long Obedience In the Same Direction (Luke 2:22-52, 3:21-22)

Key idea: Faithful Christian living is a long obedience in the same direction to the glory and pleasure of God. 1. Following Jesus is a long obedience in the same direction to the glory and pleasure of God
Hallmarks: Disciples Making Disciples (Matthew 4:19)

I. Trust Jesus wholeheartedly (Follow me…) II. Transformed by Jesus regularly (… I will make you…) III. Live for Jesus daily (… fishers of men.)
Discipling Our Kids