True Worshipers: So, So Small, Yet So, So Loved! (Psalm 8)

Key Idea: How to be a true worshiper: see God as He is, see yourself as you are, and marvel at God’s grace.

See God as he is (vv.1-2)

Who is God?
God is YHWH, our personal God
God is Majestic
God is supreme (God over all the earth)
God is glorious
God is powerful

See yourself as you are (vv.3-4)
Marvel at God’s Grace (vv.5-9)

New Song: Look to Jesus

At the Pathways of Grace conference this past weekend, we sang a new song called “Look to Jesus.” On your hardest days, what is it that you need the most? When bad news comes, when your chronic pain doesn’t go away, when your kids are kicking and screaming on the ground again, when broken relationships sting, […]

The Supremacy of the Son (Colossians 1:15-20)

The Supremacy of the Son
Colossians 1:15-20

Key idea: Jesus Christ is supreme over everything.

1. Jesus is supreme over the old creation (15-16)

a. Jesus is supreme because he is the image of God (15a)

b. Jesus is supreme because he is the firstborn over all creation (15b)

Jesus has the rights of the firstborn because:

1. All things were created by (in) him

2. All things were created through him

3. All things were created for him

Application: true life as a created being is only found in Jesus.

2. Jesus is supreme because he holds all things together (17-18)

3. Jesus is supreme over the new creation (the Church) (18b-20)

a) Jesus is supreme because he is the founder and the resurrector of the Church (18b)

Two ways that Jesus is supreme over the new creation:

1. The fullness of God was pleased to dwell in him

2. God was pleased to reconcile to himself all things through Jesus

To Summarize:

1. Jesus is ____, and He _________ all things.
2. Jesus _________ all things together.
3. Jesus, __________________, is ______________ all things to himself.

Application: Is this the Jesus you believe in?