When Humanity Stands in Silence (Romans 3:9-20)

Key Idea: It takes great faith to believe you’re an unrighteous sinner in need of Jesus. Faith to acknowledge the universal condition (vv.9-10) Faith to admit that sin is humanity’s natural bent (vv.11-12) Faith to agree on blatant evidence of depravity (vv.13-18) Faith to accept God’s verdict for the unrighteous (v.19-20)
Beware of Hypocrisy (Romans 2:12-24)

Key Idea: The privilege of knowing God does not justify but instead reveals hypocrisy that will condemn us if we are without Christ. I. Privileged knowledge does not save (v.12-16) a. Obedience vs. Possession of the law b. The Universal Law Within II. Privileged knowledge reveals hypocrisy (v.17-24) a. Confronting hypocrisy b. Cases of hypocrisy […]
Wrath: A Necessary Component of the Gospel (Romans 1:18-23)

Key Idea: God’s wrath against the unrighteous demonstrates the seriousness of our sin and our desperate need for the righteousness of God.
Fellowship with God: The Rhythms of Grace (Luke 2:41-52)

Key Idea: Our fellowship with God will deepen as we find greater joy in drawing near to Him.
It Pays to Be Righteous (Malachi 3:13-18)

Key Idea: Our pursuit of righteousness must not be based on our own circumstances or others, but in God’s promises. 1. Perspective of the Unrighteous (v. 13–15) 2. Promise for the Righteous (v. 16–18)
Dealing with God’s Justice (Malachi 2:17-3:5)

Key Idea: God demonstrates His justice in sending a Savior to purify His people and judge those who reject Him.
Better With the Spirit (John 16:4b-15)

Key Idea: Three realities about the Holy Spirit for strength in gospel sharing and gospel life. Three realities about the Holy Spirit: I. The Comforting Presence of the Spirit (v.4b-7) Our Advantageous Position Our Advocate’s Permanence II. The Convicting Power of the Spirit (v.8-11) Convicts people of their unbelief in Jesus Convicts people of their […]
Serving One Another Rather Than Serving Ourselves (Philippians 2:1–8)

Key Idea: We are called to care for others like Christ by serving and putting others interests above our own.
Standing Firm as Suffering Sojourners (1 Peter 5:12–14)

Key Idea: As believers, we must stand firm in the gospel of grace for everyday life. Four Characteristics of Standing Firm: I. A Fervent Exhortation (v. 12b) II. A Faithful Example (v. 12a) III. A Familial Expression (v. 13–14a) IV. A Favorable Expectation (v. 14b)
The Art of Handling Suffering (1 Peter 4:12–19)

Key Idea: As Christians, we must respond rightly to suffering so that we may honor and glorify Christ.