A Charge to Persevere (1 Peter 5:5-11)

Three Components to Perseverance   I. The Posture of Perseverance (v. 5-7) II.The Practice of Perseverance (v. 8-9) III. The Power of Perseverance (v. 10-11)

Episode 53: Loving the Difficult (Pt. 2)

“Above all, love, because, above all, Christ does this for us. He continues to love and pursue us when we are difficult and stubborn. He covers a multitude of our sins, forgiving us and absorbing our punishment that we might be in fellowship with Him, and fellowship with one another, no matter how difficult we […]

Episode 40: Praying Relentlessly

“Lighthouse, what is your strategy for the coronavirus and all the troubles that come with it? Is it merely ducking your head, doing better, and trying harder? Is it a waiting game that rests on your resilience to survive? Or is it a humble pleading with God? Is it letting your concerns lead you to […]

Meet Our Staff: Allen Tsai

Please meet Allen! He’s the newest addition to Lighthouse’s staff and he’ll be serving as an intern in Praxis, our young adult ministry. Learn a little bit about him through these questions and answers, then give him a warm welcome! (atsai@lighthousesouthbay.org) Tell us a little bit about yourself! Hi Lighthouse. My name is Allen Tsai […]